Sunday, July 20, 2008

Out Now

Timetables, timelines and now time horizons. It’s enough to make one’s head ache. For Pete’s sake man, just get out. This war was illegal and inappropriate from the first day of planning — assuming it was actually planned.

It was waged on false pretenses, using contrived intelligence and nefarious advice from such as Ahmad Chalabi, with a definite axe to grind. Nothing, after all this time and after so many lives have been wasted, can make anything seem “right” or “good” about this war.

The surge? More killing and maiming on both sides to further questionable aims. And now the surge is a success, and maybe some troops may be pulled out? Good. Declare victory, as if it was a football game, and leave in triumph.

The Iraqis want us out; most of the American people want us out. Declare anything you want, but please just get out. You could deploy some of them to Afghanistan, though the horse has left the barn on that conflict, but get them out of Iraq and leave that miserable country alone. And leave their oil alone, so we can get on with developing the next phase of mobile technology.


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